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Settings for Built in S40 and China Phone""for unlimited and free browsing techniques"*SETTINGS FOR S40*go to SETTINGS>CONFIGURATION>inside config go to PERSONAL CONFIG SETTINGS then OPTIONS>add new WEB and ACCESS POINT-=WEB=-ACCT NAME: anyHOMEPAGE: NAME: nonePASSWORD: noneUse PREFERRED ACCESS POINT: no-=ACCESS POINT SETTINGS=-Proxy: enabledProxy Add: example ( or )PROXY PORT: 80DATA BEARER pocket data-=BEARER SETTINGS=-Pocket Data access point or APN: internet (smart) authentication type: normalUsername: nonePassword: noneDEFAULT PERSONAL CONFIG: SELECT Personal config then set as default ACTIVE DEFAULT IN ALL APP: select Yes PREFERRED ACCESS POINT: select "my Access Point" then next is go to your web browser then type any website u like in the url box and click go..-=CHINA PHONE SETTINGS=-go to SERVICES>and select DATA ACTT first then select GPRS Edit smart or globe internet..ACCT NAME: anyAPN: internet (smart) (globe)USERNAME: nonePASSWORD: noneand now go to WAP>SETTINGS>Edit Profile>selectSim>select SMART or Globe INTERNET> Edit Profile RENAME PROFILE: anyHOMEPAGE: anyDATA ACCT: internet or CONNECTION TYPE: http then enter the numeric PROXY ADD:Port: 80and CLICK done,activate profile back and go to homepage and wait til mag run un proxy. .thats all..Hanap nlang kau working 3ks.

Disneyland 1972 Love the old s